All of us came to this world with an inborn talent ~ So unique, that each of us were incredibly different from one another. It is to this inherent talent that we evolve and discovers the many wonderful potentials that's flowering in us.
We grow, move and have found out that those talents were not just a gift from our creator but they were imbeded in our genes. Our talents are part of that Great and Marvelous Creative Intelligence which is guiding us all along.
We learn to understand our ways, our nature, our capacity, and eventually awakened into the light of knowing our deepest characteristic. That we are not ordinary human beings who are walking on the surface of the earth. But we are part of that superior race who have once walk upon this same world.
We are born with all the talents, all the wisdom, all the knowledge and all the love - and yet, we have to grow learning to unfold those talents one by one like flowers that has many petals, so are we! Beings of many talents.
Let us continue to discover and re-discover our very own personal mystery that we may fully live those talents that is hidden within us.
With you always in love and light,
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